This is the stage of product development that allows us to explore new ideas, invent new mechanisms, create new looks, think laterally about problems or re-invent existing products. The foundations created at concept stage of a design project are fundamental to its success; it is where we work out what works, what doesn’t and what’s possible.
This is the fun part of any design project; the part where all of the research is translated into a range of visual concepts in sketch, hand rendered or CAD generated formats.
Manufacturability and practicality can be investigated at this early concept stage. High quality images can be produced from our advanced rendering software, rapid prototypes can be made from our computer models and we can also prepare marketing presentations, all with large savings on time and money
If you would like to know more about ideas and concepts then feel free to contact us. Alternatively, click on the contact page, send us a message and we’ll get back to you!